Home Сети и Системы Cascade of Vartsikhe HPPs

E ISSN 1987 - 8257

Cascade of Vartsikhe HPPs Печать E-mail
28.01.2010 12:23
Four HPPs are united in Vartsikhe HPP, these are: Vartsikhe 1,2, 3 and 4. They are located on the river Rioni on 27 km long section from village Vartsikhe till the source of river Gubistskhali. The dam of the reservoir is located on the territory near the river Rioni at the tributary of the rivers Kvirila and river Khanistskhali. Hydro technical buildings are located on the right bank of the river, they are diversion type uniform hydro power stations of identical capacity. Installed capacity of each of them is 64 (2X32) MW and annual capacity is 250 million kW/h.  Vartsikhe HPP 1 was put into operation in 1976, Vartsikhe HPP 2 in 1978, Vartsikhe HPP 3 in 1980 and Vartsikhe HPP 4 in 1987. The plant is in a private possession. 
Обновлено 28.01.2010 12:23
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