Home Electronic journal EOL Issue 15, December 2021
Friday, 16 October 2009 18:31

An online journal Energyonline (EOL) is a regular internet scientific and technical edition. EOL publishes the articles covering any issues relating to power engineering and related fields. Specific interest in our journal is paid to new methods, results, innovative decisions, technological innovations and inventions.

Original scientific articles, brief and large reviews of the respective problems, short messages and notes that are supposed to be subject of detail and fair review are taken into consideration.

The articles previously published in scientific publications are not considered in the EOL. It is an imperative request to the authors to stay within the limits of the requirements of “rules for authors”, observe all textual, numeric and graphic conditions in preparing their articles. In addition, the authors should necessarily adhere to strict, unique and consistent statement of the matters when preparing scientific articles and notes.

The authors whose works will be published in the EOL get an access to scientific and informative data base of the web-site, which is a source of scientific, technological and economic information on the topic of power engineering. The authors may refer to their own works and the works of their colleagues published in the EOL as to the source/journal of reviewable character.

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Last Updated on Sunday, 18 October 2009 07:57
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